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=== Sacred spaces and heritage ===  
=== Sacred spaces and heritage ===  
In the study area there is marked two elements that hold cultural value.  
In the study area has been offically marked two elements that hold cultural value.  

The first area has two memorials to terror victims in World War II. The statue was established in 1967 and tombstone was established in 1991 – after Estonian Restoration of Independence. The common tomb is in Rae forest.  
The first area has two memorials to terror victims in World War II. The statue was established in 1967 and tombstone was established in 1991 – after Estonian Restoration of Independence. The common tomb is in Raeküla forest.  

The second element is historical schoolhouse. The school has had historically very important impact on education of Pärnu city. Raeküla school society was established in 1903 and at the same time was opened two grade school. The schoolhouse was finished in 1912. In 1919, the school housed the 7th Pärnu Elementary School.
The second element is historical schoolhouse. The school has had historically very important impact on education of Pärnu city. Raeküla school society was established in 1903 and at the same time was opened two grade school. The schoolhouse was finished in 1912. In 1919, the school housed the 7th Pärnu Elementary School.
Raeküla is a district of Pärnu city. The first mentionings of the ‘garden city’ is dated in 1265. Rapid growth of the village started in 1896. Narrow-gauge railway from Valga to Pärnu was built in 1896. The father of Konstantin Päts (the first president of Estonia) was well-known construction foreman who moved to the area and started to develop the village. Raeküla is full of single family houses with little gardens. The area has specific style that is kept throughout the district.
The railway from Valga to Pärnu has had great impact on the development of the study area. The Reiu bridge was established in 1927. It is a bridge for narrow-gauge railway. The railway is not in use. The bridge was unusable by the year 1944. Nowadays the railway bridge has a recreational use. There is an open-air stage next to the old railway bridge where Pärnu Endla Theater organizes open-air performances in the summer.

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Revision as of 20:03, 20 February 2020

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Area Reiu-Raeküla
Place Pärnu county
Country Estonia
Topics Multifunctional coastline, meadows, forest, tourism
Author(s) Suvi Pohjola-Stenroos, Renata Villalobos Anaya, Karin Rea, Mirjam Manglus, Airi Loid, Massooma Abbas

Reiu Raeküla–Coland.jpg


Raeküla & Reiu area is located south-east of Pärnu. The is important recreational area for the locals and also for the tourists. There are beautiful sandy beaches and a system of illuminated health paths built into the forest. At the same time coastal meadows and forests are protected areas for habitats and species. This may create a conflict between an increasing numbers of vacationers and the conservation objectives of the species. The purpose of future planning is to maintain a balance between those two aspects. The future planning must also take into account the increase of water levels what are caused by climate change.

Location and scope

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A Landscape System Analysis

A.1 Landscape layers and their system context

Geomorphology, landscape units and coastal typology

The Raeküla (Pärnu city)-Reiu (Häädemeeste county) study area is in south-western Estonia on the western coast of the Gulf of Riga. The 150-km-long coastline is straight. During the deglaciation of SW Estonia, the Baltic Ice Lake formed between the retreating Scandinavian Ice Sheet and emerged land in the southeast at about 13,300 cal, years BP. The Baltic Ice Lake water was deep enough for the formation of annually laminated varved clays over a vast area in Pärnu Bay and the present-day mainland area. Due to the shift in water levels interrupted by Ancylus Lake and Littorina Sea transgression, the landscape OF SW Estonia changed dramatically. The land uplift in relatively low in the Pärnu region and has always been at risk of flooding. The area is known for unique environmental settings: mild maritime climate, broad beaches, coniferous pine forests on the coastal zone. Types of Landscapes types include mixed and broadleaved forests, traditional agricultural semi-natural landscapes, wooded meadows, plant communities, heathland, bogs and moors, complex anthropogenic areas with different land use structure, shrubland, grasslands, birch-dominating coastal areas and flooded meadows

Land use

The land use presented in this region of Estonia it is wide. According to “Land Use map: Land Board 2020” in this area the main land uses are such as: Forest, grassland, green space, private yard and other.

The forest area has around 23.99% of the total area, the grassland 22.41%, green space 15.66%, private yard 19.62% and other 14.20 By this we could say that the land use has change by the time, but there are parts that have stayed mostly are the forest and the grassland area. There exist other kind of land use, and also represent an important part of the area such as: Bogs with 6.37%, fields 6.06%, Production yard with 2.26%, gardening land 1.24% and shrub with 2.82%.

The land use that have the least presence on the area are such as: Cemetery 0.17%, landfill 0.02%, port 0.04%, sandy area 0.58%, shallow bog 0.06% and wasteland with 0.06%.

The land use in the area has changed over time and there are several land use that were added according to several needs. Hopefully in the future the forest area will remain as well as the grassland. This could only happen of the urbanization of Pärnu remains and does not spreads.

Green/blue infrastructure

1/3 of the area consists of a landscape reserve and forest growing on it. There are health trails that can be used all year round. Under protection are the bird species: Pernis apivorus, Bonasa bonasia, Strix uralensis, Caprimulgus europaeus and the plant species: Listeria ovata, Epipactis helleborine, Dactylorhiza incarnata, Huperzia selago. In the coastal meadows the reed has grown and the characteristic vegetation is disappearing. To restore it, an urban cow project has been launched: in summer, cows live on coastal meadows and eat less reed, and the former vegetation is restored.

Elements of blue infrastructure:

1) Pärnu bay

2) Reiu river, border of study area

3) Pärnu river

Forces of changing (Peoples treatment):

1) Real estate developments in coastal areas and near highways - which can lead to the disappearance of forests, as well as the conversion of protected forests to wind.

2) Increase in the number of holiday tourists on the beach – which may have negative impact on the cleanliness of the water and the shoreline

3) Increasing ATV and bicycle users; and uncontrolled use of forest paths – may endanger the conservation of protected species

4) The construction of the Rail Baltic railway - may adversely affect the landscape protection area in the central part of the study area. Completed railroads can also degrade residents' access to health trails in the forest

Coastal conditions can also change due to natural forces:

1) The high shoreline damages the high shore near Reiu village

2) Climate change may cause coastal meadows and buildings closer to the sea to be submerged

Actors and stakeholders

Areal problem – possibilities

  • Pärnu county population 86.163
  • Pärnu city 43.000, Häädemeeste 4.800 > during the summer months > 100.000
  • Ethnic groups: Estonians (79.3), Russian (15.3%), Ukrainians (2.12%), Finns (0.73%), Belarusians(0.65%) > heterogenicity
  • Economically balanced region with many comprehensive industries
  • Competitive business on worldscale markets in some sectors
  • Active non- profit organizations especially in nature resources, (14 association /1000 inhabitants)

Local market

  • Tourism
  • Harbour (guest harbour: for 140 boat spaces with all facilities)
  • Fishing
  • Trading
  • Wellness and holiday resort business
  • Accomodation (b&b)
  • Events: music festivals, sport events
  • Historical scene: museums, historical sites, traditional
  • Nature: bird watching, photographers
  • Construction, developers, real estate


  • Coastline nature sensitive for extensive tourism
  • Water quality problems (nutrients, shallow bay, temperature, wind> favour cyanobacteria = toxic blue algae)
  • Connections challenging; limited possibilities to walk from pärnu city to Lottemaa direction along the seafront
  • Occasional flooding
  • Occasional ridged ice formation causes damages on sea front
  • Cyanobacteria on Pärnu beach


  • Nature tourism in balanced way
  • Coastline activities: bird watching, plant watching, butterfly watching,
  • Serene walking paths in pine forests
  • Star watching cabins on the beach
  • Pärnu city sea pool with boardwalk
  • Connected trail between sea pool, selected coastal meadows, to serene
  • Piers for landscape and sea watching along the route

Sacred spaces and heritage

In the study area has been offically marked two elements that hold cultural value.

The first area has two memorials to terror victims in World War II. The statue was established in 1967 and tombstone was established in 1991 – after Estonian Restoration of Independence. The common tomb is in Raeküla forest.

The second element is historical schoolhouse. The school has had historically very important impact on education of Pärnu city. Raeküla school society was established in 1903 and at the same time was opened two grade school. The schoolhouse was finished in 1912. In 1919, the school housed the 7th Pärnu Elementary School.

Raeküla is a district of Pärnu city. The first mentionings of the ‘garden city’ is dated in 1265. Rapid growth of the village started in 1896. Narrow-gauge railway from Valga to Pärnu was built in 1896. The father of Konstantin Päts (the first president of Estonia) was well-known construction foreman who moved to the area and started to develop the village. Raeküla is full of single family houses with little gardens. The area has specific style that is kept throughout the district.

The railway from Valga to Pärnu has had great impact on the development of the study area. The Reiu bridge was established in 1927. It is a bridge for narrow-gauge railway. The railway is not in use. The bridge was unusable by the year 1944. Nowadays the railway bridge has a recreational use. There is an open-air stage next to the old railway bridge where Pärnu Endla Theater organizes open-air performances in the summer.

Visual appearance and landscape narrative

There is not any known visual or written creation about the areas. There can be some paintings that local small artist have done but their works are not usually public so they can’t be found and this statement can’t be totally confirmed.

If we take a modern turn then we can see that people have captured a moment/ activities the way that the nature is always big part of that. Different kind of activities and opportunities for different tastes. People are capturing elements that they like and feel good about.

A.2 Summary of your landscape system analysis and your development targets

Human activities:

  • Industry
  • Service sector
  • Logging
  • Heating houses with wood
  • Tourism &amp
  • Hospitality Services
  • Large outdoor events,
  • Traffic-Transport

Nature processes:

  • Strong wind
  • Waves
  • Erosion
  • Sedimentation,
  • High temperature changes
  • Lack of ice on sea on winter
  • Flooding


  • CO2
  • Soil & Water pollution
  • Tree damages
  • Noise &Light pollution
  • Littering.


  • ATM the study site is more protected and in natural state
  • Used for recreation, bird watching, picnicking, family holidays, nature watching, producing

wellbeing and joy, but does not have connection to city network along the seafront

  • Tree roots on certain spots have remarkable erosion lesions
  • Occasional urban sprawl along the seafront.


  • If the development continues and the sea level rises more often or permanently, high wind,

waves and flooding will cause damage to ecosystems and as well as to residential areas.

  • Coastal meadows will be under water, ditches do not drain, household water supplies

(surface water source) may contaminate from flooding surface waters

  • Pollution will cause health problems, invasive species appear and start taking over the native
  • Number of pollinator will decrease, soil will compact and trees have damages.
  • Without proper zoning on coastal areas, disturbances will take over the entire Pärnu Bay.

Zoning requirements include separating the following areas: trade, fisheries and protected areas.

  • Water pollution will decrease to value of Pärnu as a wellness resort and increase health hazards.

A.3 Theory reflection

We are all affected by the climate change, the clear evidence of this is rising sea levels in the and increased precipitation. Coastal areas are particularly vulnerable in this respect. „Guiding Principles for City Climate Action Planning“ speaks mainly about cities and the changes they need. Positive changes in cities also affect the surrounding areas with the same positive way. Recommendations apply to smaller municipalities for planning decisions. The study area is already experienced flooding problems and the strong wind and heavy waves are destroying the shore.

Natura 2000 is a European network of nature conservation areas and aims to maintain (where necessary) or restore the status of threatened species and habitats across Europe. The meaning and content of Natura 2000 are laid down in EU Directive 92 /43 (EMÜ). As the Raeküla coastal meadow is a part of the Natura 2000 network, it must be managed in accordance with the principles of ecology and sustainability, avoiding significant disturbance to the species. However, Natura sites can be important destinations for nature tourism and this has a positive impact to the local economy.

Multifunctional use of green infrastructure would to improve the quality of life in many Pärnu Bay area in many ways. It has environmental, social and economic credentials, based on the multifunctional use of natural capital. It’s a potentially a very valuable policy tool, GI’s multifunctionality could contribute to the achievement of a number of policy aims and fulfil the needs of a variety of stakeholder groups.

The Häädemeeste municipality development plan sets out visions until 2030. The purpose of the municipality is to provide for the local population a pleasant living environment with workplaces, but also to become more attractive to the visitor, especially families. There may be a conflict between the development of tourism in the area under study and the preservation of the natural environment, because conservation status requires reduced human intervention and some activities are undesirable or even prohibited during certain seasons.

A.4 Referencesärnu,552500,6505000&setlegend=UUEMK_natura=1,FUU6249_EMK=0äljed-Raeküla-linnaosas.pdf,24.53354,58.29405&overlay=avaleht

Phase B: Landscape Evaluation and Assessment

B.1 Assessment Strategy

  • Based on the hypothesis derived from your previous landscape systems analysis you are now asked to define the goals for assessing the landscape. Your assessment is the basis for evaluating the landscape status.
  • Which elements and phenomena need to be mapped, why and how?
  • This a text contribution, max 250 words

B.2 Mapping

  • As defined by your assessment strategy you conduct the mapping and present your findings here
  • As a minimum, at least three different themes need to be mapped, you may choose more if needed

B.3 Problem definition and priority setting

  • Give a summary of the major findings of your mapping process, what are the problems/potentials identified?
  • Draw a problems/potentials map
  • Set priorities for the most relevant issues

B.4 Theory reflection

  • Please reflect the assessment and evaluation methods used based on at least three readings
  • Did you encounter limitations'
  • 200 words test contribution

B.5 References

  • give a full list of the references you have used for this section

Phase C – Strategy and Master Plan

C.1 Goal Setting

  • Define strategic planning objectives based on the evaluation findings
  • Link back to your original targets from section one and the Development Goals
  • 150 words text contribution

C.2 Spatial Strategy and Transect

  • translate your strategic goals into a vision
  • develop a spatial translation of your vision
  • exemplify your vision in the form of a transect with concrete interventions
  • add map(s) and visualizations

C.3 From Theory of Change to Implementation

  • For implementing your vision: Which partnerships are needed? Which governance model is required?
  • Who needs to act and how? Draw and explain a change/process model/timeline
  • Which resources are needed? On which assets can you build?
  • add 150 words text and visuals

C.4 References

  • give a full list of the references you have used for this section

D. Process Reflection

  • Reflect in your intercultural and interdisciplinary team on the outcomes of your study
  • Which limitations were you facing?
  • What have you learnt from each other?
  • What would you do differently next time?
  • You can also use diagrams/visuals
  • 250 words text