COLAND Online Seminar Schedule 2020

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Phase A: Understanding Coastal Landscapes

A.1 Why coastal landscapes matter

Session date: Friday, 31th of January 2020, 15 00 - 16 30 pm CET

  • Introduction to the CO-LAND ERASMUS project
  • Thematic input: by Ellen Fetzer and Didier Vancutsem
  • A voice from UN Habitat
  • Information on Seminar Sequence and Assignments

A.2 Dynamics of Coastal Landscapes

Session date: Tuesday, 7th of February 2020, 15 00 - 16 30 pm CET

  • Thematic input: Dynamics of Coastal Landscapes, Drivers for Change and Typologies, speakers: Igor Sirodoev, Ovidius University Constanta, Romania
  • Information on Seminar Sequence and Assignments

A.3 Coastal Landscapes as a Cultural Phenonemon

Session date: Friday, 14th of February 2020, 15 00 - 16 30 pm CET

  • Thematic input: Coastal Landscapes as a Cultural Phenonemon: A visual-spatial and aesthetic perspective, speaker: Friedrich Kuhlmann, EMU Tartu, Estonia
  • Interactive reflection and discussion
  • Seminar sequence and assignments, briefing on upcoming presentation

A.4 Group presentations: Your Landscape System Analysis

Session date: Friday, 21th of February 2020, 15 00 - 16 30 pm CET

  • Moderated group presentations
  • presentations in parallel sessions and peer evaluation

Phase B: Evaluation and Assessment of Coastal Landscapes

B.1 Integrated Landscape Assessment Approaches (1)

Session date: Friday, 28th of February 2019, 15 00 - 16 30 pm CET

  • Thematic Input: From risks to potentials - methods and instruments of Assessment Approaches
  • Seminar sequence and assignments, questions and answers

B.2 Integrated Landscape Assessment Approaches (2)

Session date: Friday, 6th of March 2020, 15 00 - 16 30 pm CET

  • Interactive discussion
  • Seminar sequence and assignments, questions and answers

B.3 Integrated Landscape Assessment Approaches (3)

Session date: Friday, 13th of March 2020, 15 00 - 16 30 pm CET

  • Antonio Acierno, Federico II
  • Interactive discussion
  • Seminar sequence and assignments, preparation of presentation

B.4 Group presentations: Landscape Assessment and Evaluation

Session preparation:

  • submit your presentation slides

Session date: Friday, 20th of March 2020, 15 00 - 16 30 pm CET

  • Groups report findings from their assessment and evaluation process and compare across international cases

Phase C: Integrated Planning and Design for Coastal Landscapes

C.1 From Goal Setting to Strategy Building

Session date: Wednesday, 25th of March 2020, 15 00 - 16 30 pm CET

  • Thematic input on strategy building by the teaching team from Ion Mincu University for Architecture and Urbanism

C.2 From Strategy to Planning and Design

Session date: Friday, 27th of March 2020, 15 00 - 16 30 pm CET

  • Thematic input: Spatial vision and transect method with Ingrid Schegk and Christoph Jensen, HSWT Weihenstephan-Triesdorf
  • Interactive discussion: questions and answers
  • Seminar sequence and assignments

C.3 From Design to Intervention: Urban Acupuncture

Session date: Friday, 3rd of April 2020, 15 00 - 16 30 pm CET

  • Thematic input: Ingrid Schegk, Christoph Jensen (HSWT) and Jekaterina Balicka (EMU)
  • Preparation of final presentation

C.4 Final presentation

Session date: Thursday, 9th of April 2020, 15 00 - 16 30 pm CET

Session preparation:

  • submit your presentation slides
  • Groups who did not go on the IP present their planning and design ideas and compare across international cases