COLAND Intensive Study Programme Tallinn 2019

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Kopli beach with a view to the East on the socialist block house areas, photo: Jekaterina Balicka
Urban youth at Kopli beach, photo: Jekaterina Balicka 2017
Kopli Urban Coast, photo: Jekaterina Balicka 2017
Kopli Urban Coast, photo: Jekaterina Balicka 2017

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Key dates of the Tallinn Intensive Study Programme

  • Implementation: May 19 - 28, 2019
  • Host: EMU - Estonian University of Life Sciences, Department for Landscape Architecture
  • Workshop Location: City of Tallinn, Kopli Peninsula
  • Participants: students and staff members from the COLAND ERASMUS partnership
  • Documentation: Download workshop documentation

Context of the Tallinn Case

Tallinn is the capital of Estonia with some 400 000 population. It has a long coastline with several peninsulas. It is a dynamic city with a historic old town (UNESCO World Heritage Site), a modern business district, low density suburbs and sections of high rise soviet era mass housing and contains several ferry and container ports, a developed section of coastline as well as less developed and more natural stretches.

After the fall of communism the formerly inaccessible coastline became open and is in part owned by the city, some has been privatized and developed or is under development and other areas are very natural due to lack of any interventions while it was the border zone. This diversity of character, use, proximity to urban sections, local inhabitants and tourists will be explored in the project.

In addition, since Tallinn is the site of an experimental intervention under the BlueHealth project we will look in detail at the health-related (salutogenic) properties of the coastal landscape. Also, as part of the BlueHealth project, EMU Tartu already has a set of stakeholders whom we will use in order to develop further ideas for the development, protection and enhancement of the coastline.

Focus Topics

  • Sustainable Urban development
  • Accessibility
  • Soviet heritage
  • Community-based planning
  • Green Infrastructure
  • Ecosystem services
  • Sustainable transport
  • Transboundary strategies


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