Monitoring and evaluation

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Quality objectives, indicators and assessment tools
Executive Summary Step 9: Monitoring and evaluation
Monitoring and evaluation are integral parts of each project that can be methodologically classified under the category of action research.
  • Monitoring can be generally defined as the continual observation of a system and its development according to certain criteria.
  • Evaluation is the structured interpretation of results according to the original objectives, respectively, the measurement of the degree of achievement of these objectives.

The benchmark for every evaluation is the degree of the achievement of the quality objectives. In this context, it is not compulsory that the quality objectives be the same as the learning objectives. This table shows the COLAND quality objectives, the used qualitative and quantitative indicators to evaluate the degree of their achievement as well as the appropriate assessment methods and tools

Evaluation elements and process

The Co-Land evaluation process

During every single evaluationreflection-improvement-cycle the quality assessment has been done both internally and externally, i.e., from outside the university sector. Internal evaluation with qualitative indicators has been primarily based on the following main elements:

  • Pre-survey of students before the start of the seminar.
  • Detailed kick-off survey of staff before the start of the seminar.
  • Interim evaluation of participants’ work results by means of a feedback form during/after assignment/presentation A, B and C.
  • Final evaluation of participants’ completed assignments by means of a feedback/evaluation and marking (depending on the partners’ curricula) after the last presentation online and/or onsite after the IP.
  • Detailed online survey of students after online course 1, 2 and 3.
  • Detailed online survey of students after the IP.
  • Detailed online survey of staff after the IP.

Evaluation results (exemplary)

The following explanations and tables summarise the results of the evaluation of the online seminar and the on-site ISP workshops according to the quality objectives. The basis are the online surveys of the students following the online seminars.

Student evaluation of the team work 1/2
Student evaluation of the team work 2/2