Objectives: preliminary actions and dissemination plan

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Preliminary actions and dissemination plan

The project needs to define which partner is responsible for the dissemination activity, with the task of designing the plan and reports at different stages. Before starting the plan, there are some preliminary actions i.e. the design of the project’s logo – agreed with the partners - and the website conception to publish the activities. Together with the logo, the project needs to develop templates, schemes, sheets and other tools useful for the communication of the contents and activities for the whole funding period. Moreover, the project needs visibility on social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) to spread off to the audience, especially the youth.

These preliminary activities are assigned to specific partners in the early phase due to their key role in making the project effective. This kind of project is based on webinar and online training, consequently large part of the internal communication will be carried on through a digital platform. Before starting the project, the partner responsible for the dissemination and the coordinator will choose the app for the preliminary online meetings, preferably the same used for the teaching activities. Subsequently, a drafted dissemination plan is essential in the proposal stage to indicate which activities are carried out during the project lifetime and how to exchange among the various key actors. Although one partner is responsible for the project dissemination, the other partners are involved for its implementation. Each partner has a role in the project and a responsibility to disseminate in his/her own country and university. Among such activities, there is information to students, teachers and professionals in launching the course, plus selecting students to attend the online course and the intensive study program. Moreover, each partner should locally organise meetings for internal and external target audiences, conferences and seminars on the contents and reports at any stage the project. The dissemination plan includes the, contents, phases, motivations, means, channels, evaluation and monitoring of the dissemination activities (see following paragraphs). The dissemination and exploitation of results aim to maximise the effect of developed activities on the immediate participants to the project but, above all, they are intended to provide a methodological framework for those partners that, for years to come, are willing to carry out similar projects in the field of educational innovation, together with partnerships between institutions and internationalisation.