Online: developing the seminar

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Executive Summary Step 2: Developing the seminar as hybrid online and on-site (OS) activity
The aim in designing the CO-LAND online seminar was to implement the constructivist teaching theory approach with synchronous as well as asynchronous teaching methods, together with online and offline media. To illustrate, this chapter provides links to the the COLAND Wiki.
  • Target groups
    The CO-LAND OS addresses two clear target groups: the teaching or tutoring team and the students. External participants are considered a third target group.
  • Preparing the course and the virtual learning environment
    The course preparation includes various steps elaborated in this section.
  • Implementing the teaching and learning activities
    Based on the teaching content, the implementation of the online seminar within the prepared virtual learning environment includes open education resources, assignments and collaboration.
  • Exam, assessment and grading
    The examination assignments in the CO-LAND OS consists of elaborating a case study on the basis of the template provided.
  • COLAND Case Study Template
    Against this background, the CO-LAND case study template guides participants of the CO-LAND Online Course during their learning process. This framework structure is available on the wiki from the beginning of the seminar.

Further Reading