Outputs, results and grading

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Outputs, results and grading

Based on the respective spatial and content-related focus, the outcome of the Intensive Study Programme workshop is a conceptual planning proposal. This proposal includes the planning strategy and goals titled with a proper phrase or catchy slogan, the spatial vision exemplified in a masterplan, clearly visualised design ideas and a process/governance model and timeline for implementation. All projects are documented and published in a report. For the four ISP workshops that have taken place see the CO-LAND wiki under the respective ISP page.

The students' assignment output is the submission and the oral presentation of the proposal. The first presentation is in English for the audience of tutors with contributions of all group members and the second is for a public audience in the local language as presented by a local student member of the team. The proposal is evaluated and graded according to the following criteria (see the evaluation form in the appendix):

  • Response to specific challenges of coastal landscapes: Including coastal landscape systems and processes, and the economic, ecological and social dimensions linking to UN SDGs & coastal policies;
  • Spatial concept: Quality of the translation of the scenario into a spatial concept;
  • Methodical coherence: Consistency of structure and argumentation, logic, identifiable methods, innovative approach;
  • Feasibility (Is it realistic to implement the proposal?);
  • Sustainability (in the economic, ecologic and social dimension);
  • Communication (Presentation, Time Management, Visual Quality, Speech);
  • Level of completion of the task.

Please click the link to explore the tables that exemplify the assessment scale for the Spatial concept and Communication criteria.